ack, you remind me of my father god rest his soul, quick to point out the negatives and have no hope or ambition for the future, and i can pick regions all day and you can tell me how no one listens, guess what thats been going on since 1932, what type of reality do you deal in? enlighten me, or do you just sit on your couch and behind your monitor bitching about the worlds problems while saying you cant do nothing about it? if not please wake me up for me and elaborate, if not you might as well be one of the conservatives in congress to stuck in there ways and stubborn to make change, change doesnt start with obama or america or ending fuckin child marriages, it starts with you homie, anyway im done arguing a topic that i dont know how i got on the wrong end of, just trying to educate people on this specific topic, i have a child of my own and find it very wrong thats all, not syaing that by signing this we're gonna have world peace, feed every child and stop world poverty, i understand paper doesnt do much but once again id rather act then sit behind my monitor like its some type of pulpit telling other people to wake up when you have no idea in reality who i even am as a person...