Read my leaves


I have a Death Star cutting and noticed the leaves twisting. Plant looks heathy but is much larger and darker than another cutting from same plant I placed in soil. I wanted to see how much faster the hydro plant did than the soil plant.

The Plant in soil is in Subcools organic mix and is only up to producing 3 leaves and the hydro is larger and greener.

This is my first Grow and still learing. I have done a lot of ready but it seams there is alot of overlapping symptoms and causes.

Age of Cutting: 40 Days from Root
Media: 4" Rockwool
RH: 30-50%
Temp: 79 day 66 night
Hydrosystem: Ebb and flow (flooding 4 days a day)
Lighting: 400 watt MH (20/4)
PH: 5.8-6.1
PPM: 850
EC: 1700
Res Size: 10 Gallon (changing when I replenish 5 gallons of water 12-15 day average)
Res Temp: 73-76 F
Nutes: AN Iguana Grow Juice (155ml) Organic B (190ml) Liquid Carb (38ml) Voodoo Juice (76ml) Piranha (5.5 tbsp)


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
All-over plant drooping that's the worst at the bottom, without much if any leaf discoloration is usually overwatering.


My Plants droop/welt right before the lights go out. I thought this might be genetically programmed in them like morning glory's. Do you still think they are over watered? The table is flooding 4 times a day and the pants are 6 inches tall. Im not arguing just giving more info to help.