Re-Vegging for a Week. Will this kill my yield?


Active Member
Right now I'm coming in at 4 weeks flowering (progress can be seen here, from a few days ago). However, I may not be able to keep covering and uncovering the plants for about a week or two, as I'll be having a few relatives in town (most likely) sometime next week.

I'll have a spot to keep them (outside) until I can get back to the normal budding schedule, but I may just have to put them into the natural lighting schedule and possibly "re-veg" for about a week.

Will this severely mess up the buds that have already started forming? It's probably way too early for a harvest, and I'd like to continue flowering the plants afterward.

What kind of repercussions could I see in doing this? Will this mess up the buds already on there? And how smooth will the transition from veg to flower be once I'm able to make it?

I'm know if I harvest right before my relatives come I'll be severely limiting THC content, but would 4 weeks even be enough to give a buzz?

Here's a few pics of where I'm at now (taken today):

I'm super bummed out, as it's just starting to look (and smell) pretty delicious.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Your situation REALLY SUCKS!! I very much appreciate your situation. Breath first. Now, take time to review a mental list of people that you trust to baby sit for you before a drastic change is made. This would be the best of a bad situation. In dire straits, a little trust & faith may be in order. If this is a dead-end, here is some info. (Your plants are beautiful).
I've got a couple Mamma's that has been harvested twice, already. They are now in the veg state, and are doing quite wonderful. Since I don't smoke, I left quite a bit of little buds on the plants while harvesting. These buds looked like the buds you have. Anyway, new growth started at each bud when put from 12/12 to Texas outside sunlight. The results will be, for you, is that your harvest will basically be FU for several months, and a new 12/12 will have to be started again. Once the new growth starts, you can take the buds, for whatever they are worth. Your plants are not that big... I would put them outside in a semi-shaded area to adjust to the real sunlight, then full sun with good nutes. Pros, clone in the meantime, double your yield, and rejuvenate again. A trusted Babysitter would be SO much easier. They can survive easily with 3 days without light, if need be. How long is the people expected to stay? Good Luck.


Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply. I guess I forgot to mention that they have been growing strictly outdoors. I should be able to find a friend to take care of them, but I just want to have a game plan as to what will happen if I cannot.

The people will probably arrive sometime next week (possibly later in the week), and will be gone a day or two before July 4.

It's very possible that I could resume taking them inside (in a completely dark space) while they're here, but playing off what I'm doing to them may be kind of an obstacle.

EDIT: Wow. July 4th IS next week. But the thing is, I'm not exactly working with a guaranteed timeline. They may end up staying longer or shorter, depending on how things work out. Would a few days of natural light scheduling hurt it? Or would they be better off in complete darkness? I could get away with bringing them in or out sometimes but it's not a sure thing yet.
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