Re-Veg state - Do I wait or clip? Pics


So, this is my 1st plant and I'm learning as I grow. I'm told that because I did not keep a solid light cycle that the plant went back into veg mode.

1st question: Do I wait or clip now?

2nd question: Can I clone this plant, and if so, what part do I clip and plant?

3rd question: Can I harvest "some" and keep the plant alive?

Thanks for all the help on here so far, learning some great stuff about growing!



So, this is my 1st plant and I'm learning as I grow. I'm told that because I did not keep a solid light cycle that the plant went back into veg mode.

1st question: Do I wait or clip now?

2nd question: Can I clone this plant, and if so, what part do I clip and plant?

3rd question: Can I harvest "some" and keep the plant alive?

Thanks for all the help on here so far, learning some great stuff about growing!

Well, when your plant goes into flowering you need to keep a steady light cycle of 12/12.. and for optimum production your gonna need to get the room or box virtually light proof..
I need to know what you have on the plant right now.. 12/12 still or did you take it back to 18/6 now... no matter what the cycle is you need to keep the dark hours completly dark .. no light... it looks to me like in your picture that your plant is definatly in flowering cycle.. you are gonna end up stressing it if you don't get it on a strict schedule because of stress..


1.and 2.Don't try to clone this plant.. it is stressed now and won't be able to root properly .. another thing is.. you can't clone a plant that is in flowering cycle and put the clone on 24/0 .. not possible.. very high chance of hermie..

3. Your plant doesn't look anywhere close to harvesting.. how long did you keep it in flowering.. before the problem occured... get it on some sort of schedule and stick with it.. hopefully your plant will survive.

Hope that helps.. Patients and structure are the key ingredients in growing this herb.



It's now on 12/12 and although there is def new growth popping up on the top of the plant, it does appear to be flowering pretty much everywhere at the same time. I've got it completely dark now too.

When the problem started is hard to determine time wise. I would guess it had been flowering for several weeks outdoors in natural sun, then we put it under a 400w bloom light, and added nutes. That's when changes started happening. I didn't know about the strict light cycle, so although I had it at 12/12, it would receive ambient light.

I'll continue to wait it out, and snap a few pics here and there to show development.
