Re-using RockWool Cubes.

Now before you get the wrong impression, I'm re-using the cubes that were carrying failed clones. There is root-stimulant powder in there.

I need to take more clones and was wondering if I need to soak it in a bit of h202 to a gallon of water and wait for a couple days.



Well-Known Member
if there was a bacterial problem that killed the clone it could carry over to the next clone but ive done what youre talking about & it worked for me i just wouldnt put myself in a situation where i would have to depend on it working out
Yea, I dig what you're saying HorribleHerk. However many variables are prohibiting me from heading to the hydro store.

Also, let me ask you, what's your routine for clones?

I like to soak my rockwool in water, put it on a heated pad under florescent lights for a day.
Next day, take my cuttings and in an angle dip in root-stim powder and put in rockwool, I then put a dome on that i've sprayed heavily with water.
I don't open the dome till 3 days have passed then I let them have 15 minutes of no dome while I spray them for a second.
I do this for a week, It hasn't provided the best results, maybe because of the rock-wool i've reused and haven't cleaned up thoroughly, like you said, could be a bacterial problem that just carries on.

Tell me what you do :)