
Well-Known Member
hey everyone i was thinking of giving rdwc a try ive seen people on youtube with 3/4 return lines and ive seen some with 2" return lines in 5 gallon buckets which do you think would work best for 5 gallon buckets? wouldnt 1 1/2 do just fine? i was thinking putting a small pump in the res and running 1/2 pvs thur the top of the bucckets..drilling 2 or 3 small holes in the pvc and letting it spray 2 or 3 small streams down towads the bottom of the bucket..to make more bubbles with air stones.on the botttom also...
i dunno, my system is set up as 2 5 gallon buckets top feeding to 1/2" halo drippers with a 1.5" return from each bucket to Tee to 3/4" return hose. ive got 10 inch diffuser rings in both buckets as well as 2 large cylndrical airstones in the niddle of each bucket. But the problem im getting rfight now is the buckets are filling up faster than they are return ing to the resevoir which is where the pump sits submerged. the pump is outflowing to the buckets so fast that the resevoir its submerged is is being sucked almost dry. If i add too much water, then the levels in the bucket rise and the level in the resevoir is bottomed out. i think this is what happens when you dont return enough water or connect the buckets to each other and the resevoir so thgat the RDWC is passive.