RDwc problems


Having a problem with my rdwc grow. Had a problem with root rot.
The plants started to recover with new lateral root growth out of the side of the pots. Thing is the roots will start to brown, especially the ones that are not submerged under the water. Is it OK to bring the water level up so the net pots are submerged and the lateral roots are in contact with the water?

Last water change I didn't fill the resovoirs as high so the nets weren't touching thinking the water levels might of been to high initially. Could this be a problem now?

I have 7 18 gallon containers setup with waterfalls. At first they plants were growing great initially but I don't think I had enough water flowing into each
container. root rot set in when they got bigger. I added two airstones into each container which added a ton of airflow but the plants haven't really responded well. Water Temps are under 70 so I don't think that's the problem.

I had some other plants growing in 5 gallon buckets with one big airstone in each and those plants seemed to do much better. Is it better to use smaller buckets that turn over the water quicker?



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Just ordered a 16 oz bottle of Southern AG Garden Friendly Fugicide and I'll report if it works.
I also raised the level of the water half way up the pots and the plants seem to be doing better and the roots look better already. I'm thinking the roots might of been dying because they were drying out. We'll see

Thanks for your help

As others have suggested, it's either running a sterile system or using beneficial microbes to combat root funk.
Both work but if you are going to use GFF, I would use some pool shock to eliminate the pythium and then introduce the bennies.
I’d jump on it quick & treat immediately or they’ll be toast in a week or less. I use Hydrogaurd, but that’s for preventative measure only. You need to wash as mush slime off as possible, sterilize your system & then treat roots with fungicide or h2o2. I would also start to trim those dead roots off, but in small increments. I’ve had root rot kill my crop & I've also saved a crop in similar condition to yours. On my latest grow, I changed my waterfall spigots to sprinkler heads...not only does it agitate the water better, it also mists the roots that are suspended in air.

IMO, roots suspended in air get, at least, partially air pruned & damaged if they dry out at all (like in an Ebb in Flow), so everything below is compromised. Conversely, mesh pots completely submerged in RDWC’s tend to droop & seem to response poorly, so I found a happy middle ground & my plants are loving it.

My latest grow is 4 weeks from seed. (I’ll add a few pics) They’re growing like crazy & the roots are exploding!

Good luck!
God this seems daunting im just starting up a rdwc system. Ive lots of experience with almost every way to grow, dwc is the only way i havent tried.
Root rot is my only fear, ive chosen the sterile route, there will be no organic nutes whatsoever.
Every week or two they will go through a water change/flush using h202 also.
Im hoping this prevents root rot, with what ive read against what id think having the water higher is better than lower. Best of luck buddy!
Your leaves look ok so your not done yet,there is a tutorial at the top exsplaing the h202 treatment.Do that first.cover your lid ,light can penetrate that yellow lid.
i agree with the above post. i just set up a rdwc with these same totes. i held them up to a regular lightbulb n it penetrated right through it. i spraypainted them black and it made a great difference.