Well-Known Member
I have 2 plants one from seed and a clone they both were in a soil/coco mix in small planting containers became root bound finally got the rdwc 2 bucket system up and running however the leaves look real low and droopy in both buckets the ph was alil to low but now it appears around 5.2 area so with that being said hopefully it is just in shock from the new big mh light and the transplant from soil mix and will recover at some point?
Like I said I am new to this whole setup.
Also I have the drippers on even though atleast one root from each plant is in the bucket water does this cause problems or wouldent keeping the hydro rocks wet benefit
Like I said I am new to this whole setup.
Also I have the drippers on even though atleast one root from each plant is in the bucket water does this cause problems or wouldent keeping the hydro rocks wet benefit