random lighting question


okay, so this might be a dumb question but I can't find the answer anywhere.
what if i were to switch a vegetative plant that was placed in light set on budding hours back to a light setting for vegetative growth? its only the 2nd or 3rd week in growth. thanks!


Active Member
so you wanna reveg the plant? If so that'll cause stress and once u get it back to vegging, it will take some time for the plant to show growth but its fine in general if you let it veg for while after.

good luck ;)


yeah, well see the real story is that i'm stealth growing so i don't have space to make another growing box. and i have 1 plant thats finishing budding but at the same time i just started growing one. i figured the budding would be done by now, but its not, so the new plant is growing in lighting meant for a budding plant. and i can't just switch it to veg time because that'll mess up the budding plant. does that make sense?