Rain rain and more rain


Active Member
ok well i am growing outdoor
12 one week old plants spaced 1 1/2 feet apart each
the ground is pretty wet cuz i watered it yesterday
but it rained today
and is gonna rain tomorrow
will they die?-->:spew:


Active Member
no....unless tehy get summerged in water ur fine......from experience i had 20 plants out,,,,i watered them jsut before a big heavy rain(they were about 1-3 inches hich) and 2 got knocked to the ground from drops but hte other 18 were fine...also my soil is clay nad has horrible drainage and is constantly wet and they are doing ok...not spectacular but growing fine....weed is a weed and can take alota shit...................btw the 2 that got knocked down i propped up with forks nad the sun brought them back to life.......


Active Member
ima bout to be my bro is picken me up a g of some beasts to get me too the weekend.....im savin for a quap so only buyin dime bags for a lil to get me through


Active Member
sick....im savin a grand so i can get a qp of headies.....im only at about 360 now but i get payed next friday and ill have like 600


Active Member
damn thats the shit =D
good luck bro
im gettin 2 ounces of shrooms for 120 this weekend =]]]