Raidermans Purple Kush,OG Kush18,Godbud,WWidow


Well-Known Member
strarting a new thread.and new gro.just started 10 purple kush fems 2 days ago and thier breaking ground. og kush 18 fems be here ina few days as well as 30 white widow and 30 godbud seeds.will be using a 1000 and a 600 watt lite, one inline fan in bak room in trailor, ac mounted to with digtal temp control to keep temp in the 70s . will be using ocean forest with 30 to 40 % perilite mix to keep it airy for fas growing roots.i'll be bring water in from the outside at 15 cents a gallon from down the street. well worth the extra to get perfect water without any worry. get great results.and i use all fox farm nutes,,goin to best buy to get camera this weekend.the room is 12ft x 10ft, got plenty of room and will max it out. will be using 3.5 gallon sqare buckets.i'll do 12 under the 600 and 16 under the 1000, one sea of green.also hers a few pics of my last og kush 18.



Well-Known Member
i'll get over to best to best buy and get a nikon coolpix camera 14 mgpxl saturday,also all 10 purple kush are up.


Well-Known Member
theres seed for any strain...clone only is b/c ppl keep it that way but you can use fem tek to hermi any plant and make seed stock..clone only is just a way to hoard good genetics


Well-Known Member
yea, its ten beans for a 100, 9 out of ten germed and taken off.anxious to get to town and get camera fri or sat.


Well-Known Member
nice grow

Have you tried Roots soil before?

I am a past FF user and switched, I have also been using Subcool's Supersoil for nutrients and have had great results with it so far

Subbed for sure


Well-Known Member
You could benefit from using some portable walls if you are not using them already

I have seen them made out of pvc piping & Mylar or plastic sheeting


Well-Known Member
ive never tried that kind,,FF soils are best wen using 30 to 40 % perilite in mixture for large rootball,large buds.using rainwater and pure water .temps kept really is the edge if u ask me.


Well-Known Member

Sounds like you have things under control, look forward to seeing your babies turn out

Have good 4th

The Snowman

Active Member
how many gallons are your pots? and pure water, does that mean distilled?
and i have that ac unit to, it work very well haha


Well-Known Member
thier 3.5 gallon, actually i'm bringing it in from a united supermarket refill at 15 cents a gallon brot in, but ordering an RO system from . thier ns without adjusting it.perfect water.or comes out a 6.0 avg after carbon filtration.funny i buy a tidy cat bucket every week for my cats,lol, im not worried about mylar walls or anything , that 1600 watts is extremely brite with no help.

The Snowman

Active Member
thier 3.5 gallon, actually i'm bringing it in from a united supermarket refill at 15 cents a gallon brot in, but ordering an RO system from . thier ns without adjusting it.perfect water.or comes out a 6.0 avg after carbon filtration.funny i buy a tidy cat bucket every week for my cats,lol, im not worried about mylar walls or anything , that 1600 watts is extremely brite with no help.
i'd imagine it would be haha, that's a lot of watts
i wish i could get a RO system but they are pretty

question, would you get a 400 watt hid or 250 watt for 4 plants?