raided just released


Well-Known Member
hey guys been out for a few months:( my house was raided by the cops looking for my roommate and i was caught in the midst of it all, shitty deal i was close to harvest and my room was finally complete! now its all gone:(( i spent almost 3 months in county

So im in this drug court deal to lose my felony charges this is gonna be a long 16 months of being well behaved please wish me luck and tell me about your experiences if you have any.
Damn, that sucks. I don't have any similar stories to share, nor do I want to.

But I would totally give you a hug, as useless as it may be, if I could!
Lol your name is thizz and you're learning to roll. Coincidence? I think not. Anyways, sorry to hear the bad news bro. If it's any consolation my homie just got popped on his way to electric forest with way too much shit so i've been feeling with that all day. Just stay strong man. complete the BS and earn your freedom!
Honestly those programs are a joke........I feel bad for you man and wish you good luck!!!! I actually went through a similar situation about 4 years ago, although the program I was in only lasted 8 weeks. There was actually a guy in my program that came high all the time and the program instructor knew it, but as long as he paid each week, she let him slide ( she always said "I believe in treatment not prison" ) but I wasn't gonna push my luck, I stayed sober for a couple months after the program just to be safe.
Dont worry man, the good thing about smoking is, for most people, they dont have to have it they just want it, and for me it is easy to put down when I need to, hopefully you can too. :peace:
hey guys been out for a few months:( my house was raided by the cops looking for my roommate and i was caught in the midst of it all, shitty deal i was close to harvest and my room was finally complete! now its all gone:(( i spent almost 3 months in county

So im in this drug court deal to lose my felony charges this is gonna be a long 16 months of being well behaved please wish me luck and tell me about your experiences if you have any.

Wow, a second chance. You are lucky. Stay strong, stay clean, don't waste this opportunity.

congrats. WW
Your location says pacific northwest, which I take to mean Oregon and Washington. Isnt medical mj legal there? Or we're you over the limit or without a scrip?
I'm really sorry to read that...that really is some screwed up shiz. My only advice is to keep yourself as squeeky clean as possible. It has been my personal experience that once they get you in the system (specifically probation) it seems (at least here in So Cal) that they look for ways to f*ck you over & say you are re-offending or breaking your probation rules & regulations bullshit, so they keep you in their system longer than one should be. It's like a one way door in, but no damn doors out. For me, 2 days before my probation was to end I got pulled over to 'randomly' see who was in my car, where we were going to/coming from, did I have registration & insurance, etc (because the cops-well specifically the sheriffs could do that in my town back then). I was taking my friend over to my house after hanging at her apt along w/ her friend & BF...I was gonna drop the 2 off at their apt & head on to my place w/my friend. Well cop runs everyone's id & bam! hit on the BF, so I got "reported" on to my P.O. because the BF of a friend's friend who was in the car-just giving them a damn ride home, nothing else!- was on parole & we weren't supposed to "associate". I can't recall what happened to him, I know he got a ticket too...damn cop did not give a rats rearend that all of us had the same story that the BF & I just met an hour or so ago & I was only giving him & his GF a ride home & that the GF was really my friend's friend & only an occasional associate of mine. It never occured to me to ask him or anyone else for that matter "So,um, what's your judiciary status? Clear, probation or parole?" I mean, wth?! lol So I got another 6 damn months "punishment" probation extension for it...sweet huh? I only hung with my 'clear' pals, didn't party unless I was at home & wigged out inside everytime I saw a cop, until the additional 6 months were over. I still internally wig out whenever cops are around me & have panic attacks talking to them...still afraid of being wrongfully accused & of a horrific crime. SO hang in there!
i just cant get my mind around how much trouble you can get into over growing such a beautiful divine plant.... its stuff like this that reminds me what a fucked up predatory planet we live on.

i wish u the best of luck, dont let this bullshit keep you spirits down !!
If your location is in a State that allows MMJ and you got popped I can't feel sorry for you.
If not sorry for the bad luck and your friend should help you out.
if i was you i would max out probation/parole is just a way to keep you in the system two of my boys got booked for the same charge one maxed out he home now the other is on parole still one mistake you start over or they make you do your time in jail
i spent almost 3 months in county

Wow! Three months eh? Geez, I've spent a total of about 12 days in our county jail, and in that time I got into about three fights. I hope you know how to buck, or else you won't be eating! Jail sucks. Especially when you're white! (No_Racist)