Qustions on cloning my first females


Active Member
First sorry if this is a repeat, but the first one I posted wont show up for me or my friend.

I have got two plants that I am positive are females. They are just starting to flower and I wanted to clone them but there is only 1 lower branch with growth tips and that is large enough to be cloned. So my other option is to take the top of the plant and clone it. I have a few questions though.

1 How is the plant going to respond to me cutting it's top off?

2 How much of the top should I cut off to clone? I read the branches should be about 2 or 3 inches long for good clones, but the only thing I have read about cloning the top is it is called the cola lol

3 Will it stunt the plant growth? They are a bit taller than I want them to be in week 2 of flowering so I am hoping this can help.

4 Is it possible the plant will still grow some branches that are good for cloning even though it is flowering and after I take the top off?