Quieting a Vortex


Active Member
Any tips on how to quiet a Vortex fan? I think it's a 465cfm. It's new out of the box and is very loud. Insulated ducting is probably the easy answer but even the intake is crazy-loud. It's an "inline fan" so would mounting it between duct hose quiet it as opposed to mounting the fan directly to a vent? BTW...this is for intake. I'm legal so stealth-ness isn't critical but sleep is. This bugga' is loud!

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Try placing some rubber (like tiretube) Between the mounting area and the unit .. then bolt it down ..Is it shaking ? humming .. whats it doing ?


Well-Known Member
i think they are just loud in general dude. I have one on a fan controller + insulated duct + insulation around fan itself and it's still pretty audible.


Well-Known Member
I hung mine with nylon rope and its not bad on noise. Ive also seen people build a box around it, supposedly that hung with bungee cords is the best solution.


Active Member
Thanks for the great replies. After dicking around with this thing since my OP, I agree.... it's just loud. I do have it hanging from bungeees and tomorrow I'll think about some sort of encapsulation...like a box as suggested above.

Seems to me the fan is internally cooled as the air rushes thru...so I don't have to be concerned about it getting hot or anything.....right? I was thinking maybe lining a box with styrofoam, think that would help?

Damn...it's loud. I wish I'd tried the brand mentioned above but it's too late now. It may see the hammer on Saturday.

Thanks again.


Active Member
I ended up disconnecting the Vortex.

I also have a simiiar fan set-up on a scrubber. I was using the vortex to exhaust my (4) 430 hoods and the scrubber exhausts out of the room. So I disconected the vortex and exhaused the hoods into the scrubber. Will this damage the charcoal or is this an ok way to do this?


Well-Known Member
Google "Bathroom fans."

There small, and quiet..
Just not sure about how much air they can shift.