coca-cola doesnt work... way to acidic! and the carbonation with other intense acids inside coca-cola would most likely kill the plants and their root systems. honey is way to thick and would immediately seal up the roots not allowing them to take in any nutrients or water to the top of the plant. there are other things you can do, but so you are aware it is not to make their buds sticker. the reason it is performed is to add more of a sweet flavor to your bud, but that only happens if you are curing your buds properly with the burping method. you can either add 2 teaspoons to every gallon of properly pH balanced water(6.3 - 6.
or you can also use another recipe which is adding 2 teaspoons of cane sugar to every gallon of properly pH balanced water(6.3 - 6.
. a lot of people on this site experiment so maybe thats where you came across the coca-cola or honey water recipes. but a lot of people on here also just talk a lot of bullshit without any proof or good evidence to back what they say. haters!