Quick questions


Active Member
I have a couple questions. I am using a potting soil medium, and it has a weak fertilizer in it, but how long from the first sprouting should I wait to add nutes? Also, for lighting I have two 3' fluorescent tubes that I was going to use but is it ok for incandescent bulbs? Obviously incandescents are horribly energy inefficient and produce a good bit of heat but I only have a couple seedlings that are sprouting up. I figured a cool and warm light mix would be healthy as long as the plants weren't too close to the light source.


Well-Known Member
i would wait till week 2 or 3 to add some nutes to the watering and always start out using way less then what it says on the bottle then build up to it


Well-Known Member
hahaha about the bulds they would work but i say go buy a daylight cfl buld way better i use those for veging


Active Member
Thanks, I keep checking my tallest sprout everyday to see any changes, it has the 2 leaves and it's getting a nice tall stem going.


Well-Known Member
You cannot use a regular household light bulb (incandescent) to grow plants. I've never heard of any 3 foot fluorescent tubes? It seems you may be confused about lights. There's some pretty good info here, in the GROWFAQ under "lighting" or similar.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
one of my newbie friends used 3 incandescent bulbs far away from plant and they did grow just not great better off going to store and getting a cfl DAYLIGHT i use it for veg everytime there great they get hot but dont produce heat around it just like half an inch of heat comes off bulb