Quick question


Well-Known Member
yes..... we ALL can

real answer... dont give them a reason too.. if your uploading pics of you hacking a puppy with a hatchet.. yeah they "might" be looking for ya

you a puppy killer?? :)


take it easy homeboy.....
less you attract attention, aint nobody given a rats a$$ bout you...... lol, in a nice way.



Well-Known Member
Yes, most smart phones including 3G on up have a built in GPS receiver. Not sure what the warrant situation is for such a thing but again, yes they can find you. I wouldn't sweat it though.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
As long as you aint planning some crazy shit.
Like dude said up there...
You aint a puppy killer, are you?



Well-Known Member
yea man, no way would I be taking mj pics with one, let alone uploading to here. do like the rest of us and use a proxy server and hide your ass ;).

half the apps on those phones have gps info running at all times, most users don't even know to turn that stuff off lol.


Well-Known Member
Guy or woman at the cell phone store or apple store (not likely a.s.) may not like MJ, so be careful if you have to bring your phone in for something. Don't leave the pics on it if something happens and you have to bring in the phone. Trust me, all your pics get ran through at some point.

Also if you get detained/arrested the cops can go through your phone and do. So keep that in mind as well. The NSA has been actively monitoring all domestic comm. since 2001. Google Mark Klein. I'll take my tinfoil hat off now.