Quick question !


Well watering really just depends on if the plant needs it bro, normally from what I've heard from alot of experienced growers is to check the soil with your finger if it's wet 2in below the surface you are good. As far as nutes I waited about 2 weeks before I put mine on them, and I've heard alot of people do the same thing.


Well-Known Member
yeah wait two weeks before feeding anything..and dig like 1 or 2 inches in the soil, and if its dry..water..


Well-Known Member
let dry out then water well.................soil has nutes so you dont have to fertilise for the first 4 weeks or so.........you should try coco.so much easier than soil.


Active Member
If you water it daily, the roots get lazy and won't go in search of water. Now as the plant grows closer to the end, you may need to water more often, but base it on the finger method. It's not like it will change drastically and you will have actions of time for watering. When u first start, maybe every 3 or 4 days for a few weeks. After that it may go to days between. The timeframe I had is an exame and not a general rule. I feed my Plants every third watering. Works for me.


You should wait to water when your plants need it or you will end up over watering. When the pot is light and looks dry water. You should use nutes every 3 waters and then with regular water on the 4th feeding.


Well-Known Member
I been doing a lot of research for my first grow and I'm utterly confused because I'm getting different answers from different people.
I was told that you should water Marijuana whenever it feels light and there is no exact 'schedule' -- but other people tell me you need to feet it 1 quart of water throughout the day.
Also I read on here that you only fertilize your plant when it's been on 18/6 or 24/0 for 2-3 weeks. But the lady at the hydro store told me you feed the plants every time you water....Normally I'd make up my mind but the two answers are so different. Thank you!
The amount of water necessary to grow changes as the plants grow. In general soak the soil well and then let it dry out. Just not to the wilting point.


Active Member
yah what he siad, butt just so you know, during maturation of your buds it`s good to stress them of water tull they are wilting. This is a benaficial water stressing tek. the science behind it is that when the plant is stressing from lack of water, the plant goes into survival mode and produces oils for the buds to survive. the more oils the plant produces the more potent and sticky the buds become, Just be carefull not to kill them , when in the last 3 weeks outdoors water the plants only when wilting if you want. It`s a trick for more advanced outdoor growers