quick question

i was just wondering if i screwed up my babys...... lol well i thought toping was the sweetest thing ever...... and supercroping or whatever...... so i thought maybe if i cut the end of my leaves off it would cause similar effects as toping.... well was that a good idea???? to trim my leaves on 1 foot tall plants that barley have any on them lol......:confused::confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
uhhhh not exactly u could shock it, and it will slow growth cause it cant absorb as much light


Well-Known Member
That wasn't a good idea, especially considering the fact that the plant barely had any leaves to start with. Expect some growth stunt for about a week, and some stress to the plant, hopefully you didn't turn it into a hermie, other than that. It will recover. Marijuana is a tough plant and can handle alot of stress before it dies.