Quick Question


Active Member
hey guys just a quick question:-

-If i want to plant outside would i be best digging a hole, filling with soil, and planting a seed?


-would i be best to get a pot and fill that with soil, put the seed in and put it in the hole?

If it was the pot, would i have to transfere the plant out of the pot and put it into a bigger pot after a while? Cheers,



Well-Known Member
I find planting it in a pot big enough for the complete grow is best, you can control nutes better and if you add some vermiculite it will help insulate the roots for when(if) temps drop. Just prick a few holes in the pot in case of rain, it allows thorough drainage. I put plants out that are a month old not seeds.


Active Member
I find planting it in a pot big enough for the complete grow is best, you can control nutes better and if you add some vermiculite it will help insulate the roots for when(if) temps drop. Just prick a few holes in the pot in case of rain, it allows thorough drainage. I put plants out that are a month old not seeds.
ah right, just the location im growing it wont be easy to get a big pot/1 month old plant, to the area :/