quick question (+ rep for ALL answers)


Well-Known Member
Alright so i was wondering this.
I have my lights on a 20/4 cycle for Vegg
Can i break up my dark period? like have 2 hours off every 10 hours?


Well-Known Member
You mean run it for 24/0 and every 10 hours it switches off for 2??

if so, No you dont want to mess wit hthe light cycle like that it will stress the plant out, and probly will stunt growth..


New Member
I did that before and they didn't seem to care. I mean they looked like they vegged ok .I went on to flower as regular, 12/12 and no hermies or anything.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't follow Patllp's advice. Plants are nature, nature doesn't have broken up lighting cycles. I doubt his or her claim as well.


Well-Known Member
Im not singling out anyone, but fighting over the internet is stupid and very immature.
Some methods can work but are not 100 percent perfect like the others
like i love to water the hell out of my plants with nutes(i've never had problems, but others have)
I got the advice i needed,so i thank EVERYONE for their input


Well-Known Member
yeah, Im not here To Tell ANYONE how to grow, We all have our "own" methods, Just Dident apreciate the "shut the fuck up" comment wen i was simply trying to help out a fellow grower with my Thoughts and Was slightly intrigued with the fact that you had done it this was and were successful so i asked for a picture or some sort of PROOOF.
Not To get fucking slamed, now im done with this thread have a good day allll.
And PLEASE everyone chill and smoke a joint...:bigjoint:


Active Member
i did your idea for awhile on accident. about 3 weeks actually b4 i realized it. my plant turned out fine. i usually stick to the 18/6 these days tho... hope that answered your ?


Uses the Rollitup profile
I don't think it matters, whether 18/6 or 20/4 or 22/2 or 24/0, to the plants. They will photosynthesize the light when it is on. Of course, the longer the light is on, the more growth you'll see, but there is a very small difference between 18 hours and 24 hours, so I use 18.

If you want to interrupt the dark cycle during veg, it won't hurt the plants, or stress them, or induce hermies.



New Member
I wouldn't follow Patllp's advice. Plants are nature, nature doesn't have broken up lighting cycles. I doubt his or her claim as well.
Well its 3 peeps say it doesn't matter to your 2. My comment was not advice. It was what I experienced, just a statement.

Photo's would be pointless. Drop the pipe and think about it.