Quick question on some soil mix.. Help me out.


So i've been looking around on here and getting a lot of ideas for some good soil mixes. I'm going to be using this soil for outdoor plants in May. I've been looking a lot into Subcools super soil and I'm most likely going to mix some of that up. Here's my question, I was at lowes today and saw that miracle grow had some organic potting soil and they had 3lb bags of organic blood and bone meal. I know a lot of people say miracle grow is no good but the soil was $5.00 a cubic foot and the blood and bone meal were 5 something a piece. It's just really cheap and I'm gonna try it out and mix a few other things in there. I'm just wondering if anyone has used the miracle grow organics for a grow outdoors and how it went.


Well-Known Member
Well this is an indoor thread.

my favorite mix is cheap and easy:

50% organic compost
25% organic worm castings
15% coarse sand
10% perlite



Active Member
Miracle-Gro organic is a cheap, sorry ass excuse for soil. I had a bag last year that shredded plastic bags and other completely unnatural pieces of trash in it. Don't touch that garbage man. I made a modified super soil last year and my plants wer insane form it!


Well-Known Member
Miracle-Gro organic is a cheap, sorry ass excuse for soil. I had a bag last year that shredded plastic bags and other completely unnatural pieces of trash in it. Don't touch that garbage man. I made a modified super soil last year and my plants wer insane form it!

Dood. I came across the same thing. Shredded pieces of garbage bag in it, but mine was Scotts. I was so pissed, i took it back AND called the company. I also think i found a pice of glass in it, but it may have come from the sand i bought.