quick question on moving indoor plants outside

hi guys basically i just wanted to ask if i could move my current 1 week old red dwarf auto from my 18/6 cfl setup outside? and from then can i move it back indoors without any problems? should i change the timer less? say the plant was getting like 5-6 hours of sunlight a day
thanks guys


Well-Known Member
yea you could give it a few hours of outdoor sun a day to start with and move it up, do it in the morning or evening where sun is`t so strong, tho I don't know how your climate are aso. but a big changes in light/wether/climate can stress a plant, specially a auto in flowering, but since yours only 1 week old I guess its not flowering yet, I would introduce it to the "great" out door a little at the time over the next week or two ..

back indoors ? why ? if its Bc. you wont have good enough wether for the next 2 months then ok, hope you got some more light then a few CLFs then, big flowering plants (even auto`s) need strong light, but if we are talking last week or so it might be all right ..

just my opinion ..


Well-Known Member
It shouldnt matter if the sunlight is intense harden off in shade first
Autos don't seem to stress like photo plants do as far as light schedule go but id still aim for a 4 hour dark peroid
i would just be moving them back indoors for the veg stage so they get plenty of light and when it starts flowering ill move it fully outdoors, so i reckon ill just put them for a few hours of sun each day and then have them back into indoors until they start flowering and put them outdoors for good? should i put them in the shade first or just straight up sun? im aiming to leave them indoors for about 3-4 weeks max


Well-Known Member
autos require a long light schedule in flower as well if they get less than 18 hours outdoor you will get hit on yield
put them in shade first for 1-2 weeks before full sun