Quick question about the waterfarm. Is there any need for the drip ring at all??


As title states guys. Is there any need to get a timer for it and time the air pump to come on during certain times. The way i see it is the roots will hit the res after a few weeks of watering anyway. so is there actually any need to set up a timer with it? Any help is appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
the title and the question seem to be different...
I used to run the air pump 24/7 then i put it on the same timer as my ebb/flow which is 4 minutes per hour. Plants didnt care either way.
The answer to the question in the title is not really. It just distributes the water around the top better. probably good when the plants are young but not really needed.
i used an air stone in the res as well to keep things moving once it becomes a dwc hybrid.