Quick question about molasses.


Well-Known Member
My organic soil gets fed 1 tbs. molasses / gal water from three weeks flower to harvest. Microbes in the soil love the molasses.
If you want to use it it has to be sulfur free and is cheapest from a store that sells it in bulk or a feed store. Now here is the deal... I used it religiously for two years, 5 ml per gallon for every watering until second flush. Last run I didn't use it, I guess out of laziness, and had my best yield ever, so I don't know, I am not saying it hurts anything, just not as convinced that the plants can actually absorb it. I have read that that Bud Candy crap from Advanced Nutrients is easier for the plants to absorb.



Well-Known Member
molasses isn't food for your plants its food for the microbes, by feeding your microbes they grow a healthy population and break down the organic matter in your soil which in turn feeds the plants. The plants can absorb some simple carbohydrates from the molasses but the benefit of this is negligible, the real benfit to molasses is the healthy bacteria it feeds. I see no need to flush it out of your soil, but then I don't use it as I feed chemically in my soil grows


Thanks for all the feedback guys, i'll just feed all the way until harvest, ive also heard of people using brown sugar to feed their plant instead of molasses, any benefits?


Quick question then... I started using molasses about 6 weeks ago. I feed chemical nutes though (gh flora series) so am I even benefitting from the molasses? Guy at my local store said it would add carbs and sugars needed in flowering instesd of buying general hydroponic's 30 dollar small bottle of chemical sweetener..


Well-Known Member
A lot of times when you look at the bottles you will see molasses listed as an ingredient, just a little marketing thrown at you by rebranding a carb. As mentioned above by Adjorr, molasses is super charging the microbes that break down your soil amendments and turn it into something your plants can absorb. Think of it like your teeth breaking down a juicy steak so your stomach can absorb the nutrients and make you stronger.


Well-Known Member
Chemical nutrients mostly kill off the bacteria that molasses supports so at best your breaking even at worst ur flushing ur money away. A lot of the time the guy at the hydro store's will offer advice on what you should buy and not neccasarily what you need, their trying to make their money off ur crop to yah know :fire:


Well-Known Member
There are some beneficial nutes in molasses but I'm not sure how they are used by the plant. I use it in the last few 3-4 weeks of flowering. Sugars are supposed to increase the weight of the buds but I'm not sure if it works.

Some people use Blackstrap for a sugar replacement in there diets which is probably a better use for it.



New Member
Usually stop any carbs upon the last two weeks of flower, at this stage there is enough in your medium to last. Mole asses is hard on some hydro systems, pumps and tubing, so be aware, other than that its a decent product and a cheap alternative. JAS


Well-Known Member
my main reason for avoiding molasses in the very end of flower is the mg (magnesium) i swear i can taste it . the same reason i cut out the guanos at the end.
now fuctose and sucrose in pure forms are know to aid in nitrogen removal (sequestering?) sooooo thats my .02