Quick Question about Distilled Water in need of Answer.


Active Member
Hey guys, I was wondering. I've been using my tap water that I usually let sit out for 24 hours or so, I'm gonna be starting week 6 of flower this Monday coming up can I switch to distilled or should I just keep giving em what they have been getting the whole time? I mean don't get me wrong the water is okay my buds are fine but I bought distilled water from a random food store the other day & it says its Steam distilled, Microfiltered, & Ozonated & I was wondering if I can give this to my plants? I don't mind buying them for the remaining time of flower if the water will do its job. Lemme know what I should do guys. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Stay with the tap.

Week 6 and buds are fine. What, you aren't happy when things are going well?
