quick question about a plants maturity (alternating node related)

so i posted a couple months back about my vanilla kush plant

its my first time growing and its an experiment to see how late i can plant and still get something in return. its vanilla kush from barneys, i planted her as a seed on august 25th, just a couple weeks from 12/12 (in the uk) after that she came inside for her extra hours under a 40w desk lamp lol

people said it wouldnt produce but shes actually done pretty well and i THINK is almost ready to flip ... see i know plants from seed can only be flipped when they are mature (and the nodes start to alternate).

but my question is............

is a plant mature when her inner nodes start alternating.... or when the nodes on the main stem start alternating?

im waiting for her main stem nodes to start alternating but some of her inner nodes are already doing that, plus shes growing pistols and starting to give off an aroma, is she ready to flip or is this just preflowering symptoms/signs of oncoming maturity?

if its not... do i wait for the main stem nodes to start alternating or go by the alternating inner nodes and flip her?

here she is when i posted her back in september

heres one of the alternating inner nodes

pistols starting to sprout



Well-Known Member
If this was started from seed, the main stem nodes may not alternate at all; on my strains I'm caring for, only my plants started from clone alternate nodes.

As far as maturity, you can flip at any time, there's no real rule. If you want to grow a tree, veg for a few months. If you want smaller plants, veg immediately. Right now I'm on a cycle where I go to flower as soon as my clones root. I harvest less per plant, but I harvest more often... 8 plants every three weeks.

As far as what Walter said, he means nutrients; you have done research on nutrients, right? This is even more important when you're going into flower. Organic or not, she needs nutrients.

If this was started from seed, the main stem nodes may not alternate at all; on my strains I'm caring for, only my plants started from clone alternate nodes.

As far as maturity, you can flip at any time, there's no real rule. If you want to grow a tree, veg for a few months. If you want smaller plants, veg immediately. Right now I'm on a cycle where I go to flower as soon as my clones root. I harvest less per plant, but I harvest more often... 8 plants every three weeks.

As far as what Walter said, he means nutrients; you have done research on nutrients, right? This is even more important when you're going into flower. Organic or not, she needs nutrients.

Think he is asking the nutes question because the leaves look light light green


thanks for the answer, very informative and answered my question, i think ill flip her this week im pretty sure she is ready

and she wont be getting any nutes. like i said this is an experiment so im letting this play out naturally

thanks once again ppl