Quick Q regarding better setup


Hi, I'm currently using 3 105w 6500k for vegging and it's getting close to 8000 hours on the bulbs so I am looking for replacements. I am torn between getting the same bulb which puts off 5k lumens or dropping down to the 5000k ones which put off 7200 lumens. Thoughts? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
250w HPS less watts more lumens, better coverage, well except if you're growing in 2ft of height, then get the 2700k for flowering 6500 for veg, the 5000ones are not what you want


i use a 600w hps for flower atm, you think the 1500 diff in spectrum is more beneficial than the added lumens then? Another option is a 250w mh for veg but im thinking that maybe each plant having individual light source over head more advantageous?


Well-Known Member
You know how many hours are on your bulbs?
Ha! that deserves a +rep man. I replace mine when they burn out!


Well-Known Member
hmmm it depends on the area of your veg area, if a 250w covers it easily, it will be better. i always used 4ft fluro tubes in veg because they cover a bigger area with less watts, cfl's however don't do that. i could veg a 2x4 area with only 200w of light with tubes


Don't give me too much credit its not that hard to use a calculator :P. I veg in a 40x26x92 closet and move into a 14'x10' room for flower.


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure how well a250 would cover that area, i know i would use like 10 2ft 18w fluros parralel to the 26" side