Quick help


Well-Known Member
So I had a calcium deficiency (I’m pretty sure) been doing the steps to fix it started about 4-5 days ago, plant is definitely picking up its grow speed again I can already tell but my question is, leaves were affected and have blemishes some more major than others . I know leaves don’t heal but do they still get worse and sickly even tho the problem may be being fixed ?


Well-Known Member
Understand, there's two sets of problems dealing with weed.

Environmental and fertilizer. Solving the issue starts with environmental and ends with fertilizer. Environment effects the plant more then the fertilizer. Only when a stable, healthy environment exists, is when fertilizer works.


Well-Known Member
So I had a calcium deficiency (I’m pretty sure) been doing the steps to fix it started about 4-5 days ago, plant is definitely picking up its grow speed again I can already tell but my question is, leaves were affected and have blemishes some more major than others . I know leaves don’t heal but do they still get worse and sickly even tho the problem may be being fixed ?
If the problem is in the middle of being fixed then yes it will continue to progress until the issue is fully resolved.

As is everything in life my friend.