Quick help


Well-Known Member
Got 2 plants experiencing these dark goldish spots, one plant it’s not so bad on the other it’s pretty bad, you can see in pics below please help and also one plant looks very light green
Growing in coco, using gh flora series liquid nutrients right now, will be switching to gh maxibloom soon

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
Got 2 plants experiencing these dark goldish spots, one plant it’s not so bad on the other it’s pretty bad, you can see in pics below please help and also one plant looks very light green
You using tap water? Any calmag? What kind of lighting?

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
There is obviously not; the Ca typically in tap water is not bio-available without being broken down by microbes.
You could be right, I can't say for sure. I have called one of the local experts to the thread, I know of nobody who has this stuff down to a science better than him.


Well-Known Member
Need more info.

What medium?

What is the feed mix? ml/gal of each bottle.

Total PPM? PPM of the tap water as well.



Well-Known Member
Need more info.

What medium?

What is the feed mix? ml/gal of each bottle.

Total PPM? PPM of the tap water as well.

Need more info.

What medium?

What is the feed mix? ml/gal of each bottle.

Total PPM? PPM of the tap water as well.

medium- coco coir and perlite mix 60%-40%

gh flora grow series flora gro - 1tsp..... flora bloom -1tsp...... flora micro -1tsp

ppm before nutes (tap) 190-199

do not know ppm after nutrs


Well-Known Member
Check the PPM after mixing, it sounds a little weak.

With coco you need a little extra magnesium but with your tap you don't want to add any calcium. So try 1 gram per gal of epsom salt with your mix.

pH? I really suspect that you have a pH issue in the medium of the plants with the issue. It is common for pH to crash in the medium, not all plants will be the same.


Well-Known Member
Check the PPM after mixing, it sounds a little weak.

With coco you need a little extra magnesium but with your tap you don't want to add any calcium. So try 1 gram per gal of epsom salt with your mix.

pH? I really suspect that you have a pH issue in the medium of the plants with the issue. It is common for pH to crash in the medium, not all plants will be the same.
Ph is usually around 5.6-5.9


Well-Known Member
Ph is usually around 5.6-5.9
Next time you mix up nutes, test the PPM. If you are below 1000 PPM at 0.5 scale (EC 2.0) then I would increase the base nutrients to get there. I prefer to measure with a syringe or graduated cylinder and use mL as the math is easier.

If it's not a weak feed, this -> thread relates to what I think might be going on with your plants. After giving that a read you could choose to either ride it out, wing it (slurry test or runoff test) and guesstimated corrective feeds on the affected plants, or if budget allows grab a good soil pH meter as detailed in the thread and see what is really going on and make a more accurate corrective feed.

Whenever I have a plant or two that gets crappy despite getting all the same treatment as others the first thing I do is test the pH of the rootzone. In DWC this is as simple as testing the nutrient pH but in mediums like yours there is a potential for the rootzone pH to be out of whack.

I used to have this stuff happen where one plant would be pissed and the others all happy and I never could figure out why until I picked up a good soil pH meter and noticed that one plant had a whack pH so tried corrective feeds and the plant responded well. It was an epiphany moment you could say.

Anyways, give that thread a read and see what you think. Maybe do a runoff or slurry test on the happy plants and compare it with that of the unhappy plant just to see if we are barking up the right tree. If you input 5.9 and it comes out 5.3 then the actual rootzone pH is likely below 5 as I have noted runoff tests can indicate the direction but not quantify the amount precisely.

Hope all that makes some sense. This is valuable advice that has helped save crops for commercial growers I talk with.