Way more than 6"- It's about a foot long, I was just bending it too far, too quick(too high

) IDK what to do with it, it's got like 4 or 5 cloneable stems on it, but I'd like to regrow the branch once, and I never had any luck B4.
The reason I'm kind of asking also is I've done this before of course, and they always die. I always clone with areo/water and they always die. I've got bags of rapid rooters here and gel collecting dust, I'll try them next time! I kind of forgot about them, hope they aren't rotten.
You can or can't clone these bigger branches? I stated it's got a little "straw" to it.
Those Rapid Rooters have done me better than anything so far.
I say DON’T cut leaf tips. Take the whole leaf if you need more airflow. Cutting the leaf tip is just adding more exposed surface for infection and greater stress on the plant as it tries to repair/stand guard. Cutting a whole leaf signals a finality (I imagine) to the plant and it seals up the wound and moves on. Also heard a plant scientist poo-poo the idea on Cannabis Cultivators and Science podcast.
Try pouring boiling purified or RO water (I use filtered well-water; ~6pH) over rooter to sterilize and warm.
Stick a tooth pick a little off-center through top edge, and place in shotglass, with tooth pick holding the rooter up at the rim. Makes it easier to pull out of glass.
Have a sterile coozy or thick dark fabric (to go around bottom of shotglass), and a large, wide-mouth jar sterilized and ready. Shotglass-rooter will sit on the upturned lid of this jar, and jar will be screwed on over top as a dome.
Prepare cutting. I just remove leaves near bottom and if crowded up top, cut at a bias down low, and get back in water immediately.
Sometimes use a little diluted Clonex, but have had success without.
Once clone is in glass-rooter with coozy or dark cloth wrapped around “root-zone” add enough sterile pH 5.5-6.5 water about halfway up the rooter (make sure it has cooled to slightly less than “pleasantly-warm”), then put on upside-down lid.
I make sure I have clean mouth (rinse with H2O2), then Darth Vader breathe into jar-dome a few times before sealing over clone.
Place in bottom-warmed spot (heat-mat/floor-duct/water-heater) with a low-light in the “cool”-spectrum that is on for 14-24 hours a day (my last success was at 14hrs under Feit-brand “Vegetate” spectrum LED bulb).
Have patience, and maybe dont even check root-zone for at least a week unless plant looks unhealthy. Keep warm but not hot.
I had one I neglected, then checked at 2week mark (coincidentally) and found a lot of roots pushing out.
Good plastic jars to use are mixednut jars from costco, or those big ones bungee cords come in sometimes (maybe you’ll need cords for your grow?). Also, any wide mouth mason/bell jar.
Good luck for your future!