Quick germination question, will give rep


Well-Known Member
Just started my hydro grow and germinated the seeds. I waited for them to crack for the tap root using the paper towel method then transfered them into pre soaked rockwool cubes with 5.5 ph and quarter strength nutes. I put a small piece of rockwoool over the opening hole on the tops of the cubes.

on average how long until i see sprouts of the tops of the cubes?


Well-Known Member
next time dont use paper towels... ya it works great but its a great way to get bacterial fungus... as the root grows, lil microscopic hairs branch off the root and inbed them selves in the paper towel... when u remove the seed from the towel u r ripping off those lil hairs there for stressing ur root groth and plant potential as it can easily become male from young stress... start them as natural as u can... theres no papertowles out in the bush..


Well-Known Member

ResinRaider was correct in all except for the male thing, genetics determines sex of a plant not stress, although stress can bring out another genders traits, but its alot more difficult than you think. Paper towell method is risky but for many it is the easist (including myself). A tip to prevent what resinraider was talking about, transplant into your rockwool @ first signs of the root coming out.

As for the germination stage, from the minute the seed uptakes the water to start the growing process untill it is out with its primordial leafs you are looking at 7-12 days. From then it will still be in about 3 weeks of a seedling stage which is still considered the germination stage. The only variables shown to slightly speed up the process are 1)scarify the seeds with an emory board, 2) soak them in Ph'ed H2O for 24 hours, and 3) keep the seedling at a warm temp.

Patience is a virtue in this hobby.



Well-Known Member

ResinRaider was correct in all except for the male thing, genetics determines sex of a plant not stress, although stress can bring out another genders traits, but its alot more difficult than you think. Paper towell method is risky but for many it is the easist (including myself). A tip to prevent what resinraider was talking about, transplant into your rockwool @ first signs of the root coming out.

As for the germination stage, from the minute the seed uptakes the water to start the growing process untill it is out with its primordial leafs you are looking at 7-12 days. From then it will still be in about 3 weeks of a seedling stage which is still considered the germination stage. The only variables shown to slightly speed up the process are 1)scarify the seeds with an emory board, 2) soak them in Ph'ed H2O for 24 hours, and 3) keep the seedling at a warm temp.

Patience is a virtue in this hobby.

excuse me??? a female can easily be turned male or herm due to stress!!! yes it is determined b4 it grows by genetics, but can easly be changed from stress.. unfortunatly a male can not turn female :(