Quick Germinating Question!!!


Active Member
How long do I let them soak on the paper towels, more specifically, how long does the little root thing have to be before I can plant it in the soil!

Right now the seeds are opened up and the little roots are about || the space between the lines long.

I was figuring around an inch? And it has been about 4 maybe 5 days already.


Uses the Rollitup profile
As soon as the shell breaks open, and I know that the seed is going to germinate, I pick it up with tweezers, and gently place it into the ready hole.

Ideally, you don't want to touch anything with that new taproot.

HTH :mrgreen:



I've used my hands on all seedlings.. never had one not sprout

maybe i'm careful enough


Well-Known Member
all four girls I have now I germinated too long and the little shoots entangled themselfs in and out of the paper towel. They were so entwined that I ripped many of the shoots right off. and they were moldy! After the masicre of taking them out of the paper towel, I couldn't even tell what was the part I should plant, so I just stuck them in the soil. I germinated 3 seeds and ended up with 4 plants cuz of the tearing sprouts. I expected nothing, but got one more plant than seed. not that this happens often, I'm sure I was just lucky. But sometimes the heartyness of these plants amaze me!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Wow we are getting big time we have an indoor growing channel. Hi Mom I'm on tv. Can you see me I'm waving?