Quick forced flowering question


Active Member
I have one plant that is a runt due to the main stem breaking. I'm thinking about just forcing this one to flower at this point.
I did a search and someone suggested just covering the plant with a garbage can. My only concern is that it will get way too hot in there and end up totally killing the plant. Do I need to do anything special to the garbage can?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I have one plant that is a runt due to the main stem breaking. I'm thinking about just forcing this one to flower at this point.
I did a search and someone suggested just covering the plant with a garbage can. My only concern is that it will get way too hot in there and end up totally killing the plant. Do I need to do anything special to the garbage can?

I don't grow outside so I probably shouldn't be the one to give advice.... but I'll give it a shot and perhaps an outdoor grower will have something better to add.

It seems to me if you live in a HOT climate and heat is going to be an issue then a garbage can over the plant is not the way to go. You can't drill air holes or prop it up because then light would get in.... defeating the purpose.

I'm wondering if something made of a lighter weight material would help.... perhaps a PVC pipe frame with a black plastic bag over it. It seems to me that might not get as hot as a heavy plastic trash can. AGAIN... I'm not certain as I grow indoors....but it seems logical. Other then that you might dig it up and put it in a 5 gallon container and move it indoors.

Good luck :D


Active Member
I'm a newb still but what the hell. Maybe you could cover the plant with just a big 40 gallon black garbage bag. leave the bottom exposed for ventilation. That's what I would do. It's dark, and now it's not suffocating the plant.


Well-Known Member
You can put a garbage bag or two over the vegetation, and cut slits and put bags at opposing cuts, so no light, but air movement....no heat probs...but don't expect much from an injured plant...great experiment though, now that you have a chance....might get some future plans. always good to try stuff ...luck.


Well-Known Member
i put my plant in a cupboard and sealed the edges with electric tape and i put my plant inside at 5:52pm(same time as sunrise, goes up a min a day) and back out again when its dark that way its 12/12... and so far its been 2 weeks and i can see white clusters of hairs everywhere! looks great!