quick dry~ I wanna test my harvest


I feel like I'm asking ? to myself so now that I'm at it whats the best way to quick dry? well. if I were you I would post a thread on RIU and maybe someone who gives a fuck will answer you...


Well-Known Member
think he wants to know how.
microwave 50% 10 seconds burst (smoke harsh and horrible)
oven lowest temps keep turning it over every 5 so mins (smoke not as bad)
dehydrator if you have it i think would be best
but make a foil plate and put it over your toaster and keep fliping buds is as good as any method and smoke wont be as harsh as micro or oven


Well-Known Member
Sorry the link isn't working. If you use the link and then click on wtp home page you will be able to find their quick-dry link on the left. It does work.


wow! we have some idiots on this site... it's a shame. i noticed a majority of people here enjoy fucking up their bud. it's such a waste.


Well-Known Member
It's just a way to sample a small bud for some instant gratification. There's no need for name calling, Mr. 10 posts.

The link in post #7 is now working.


Well-Known Member
Just leave it out in a little cup next to your monitor for a few days or something. When little pretty bits break off on accident I use them as ornaments for my monitor stand, they dry and curl up pretty quick, probably better than using the microwave.


Well-Known Member
You're being really rude and impatient TalonToker.. Just let it cure and you'll enjoy smoke incomparable to microwaved bud.

Oh god man. It really is NOT worth it at all. I have some experience with drying your buds and there is no way in which a quick dry is the solution. it reflects poorly to your growing ability and it will always be more harsh then when you dry over a period worth while. Dont ever forget the amount of time your willing to put into your babies is the amount that your going to get out so always care and love your plants.

Happy growing.