Quick advice getting started...


New to all this. A friend bought some weed (not great but just mids) that had a lot of seeds in it so I decided to give it a shot and plant them. I'm in the USA, Northeast, so I know that if I do it outside I don't have all that much time to get them in the ground. I'm not really trying to get the most out of the plants or anything, just wanna see something grow. Even if I get one to grow and its a male I think I'd still be pretty excited. So I'm kinda just doing this to see what happens and don't want to spend alot of money on it at this stage.

I was originally thinking of putting them outside because there's alot of private woods in the area I'm in. What gets the best results as far as just getting something to grow? Outside or inside? I am germinating now and most of them I'm doing the paper towel thing. But I also soaked 5 in water for 24hr to see if that would work. I just put those soaked in cups with decent soil mixed with some 'start up' fertilizer, or something like that I had around. I'm planning on planting the rest of the ones I have in paper towels in cups whether they sprout or not.

So should I plant outside or inside?

And if I do inside is just a 60w light fine at this point on them until I see what starts to grow then adjust to how many I have growing?

And if I do outside would it be better to just keep them outside from the point I put them in the cups under some plastic hood?


Well-Known Member
Outside is unpredictable, because you dont know what the strain is, therefore you wont know how long it takes to ripen, you could get lucky and have a strain that ripens in late sept-early oct but who knows. 60w is not enough light indoors, they will stretch quite a bit, and if you talking about incondescent light, that gets pretty hot , which is a double edge sword because a lower watt light you have to get em closer. You can use cool / warm white flourescents at the minimum to learn what you are doing, make them at least 4 feet and the double bulb type. These wont give you a great yield but you can learn the basics this way.


Active Member
outside growing is by far more difficult. you cant control nature outside, not to mention pests. and no 60watts is not enough. i have 4x 100 watt cfls and im still wanting more