Questions on re-vegging a Hempy Bucket


Well-Known Member
I'm a total virgin at revegging, let alone revegging a hempy bucket. Some 4 months or so ago, I decided to try a hempy for the first time. I had seen pictures of tree like specimans rising from a 5 gallon bucket of Perlite and Vermiculite and decided to give it a go.I put together my bucket, drilled a hole 2 inches or so from the bottom and filled her up with a 3-1 mix and transplanted one of my healthiest babies into her. I used a strain called shackzilla one of my favorite suppliers better yielding strains.
What happened was basically....nothing. It was very slow to grow, my theory being that the root system was taking its good old time making its way to the reservoir as any water I ever added to it usually just ran out the overflow drain hole, and by the time it was time to switch to flowering, the plant stood a mere 8 inches from the top of the bucket :)
In flower it didnt do much better, and it never did grow much bigger than already was.
Now bless her little heart, she sure has made herself what looks to be maybe a quarter ounce of bud, but on the interesting side, they are just dripping with trichomes and rock hard specimans indeed. SO, I've decided to harvest what little bit is there and since by now surely the roots have made it to the bottom, I thought I would try to reveg her.

I've never revegged anything before so my questions are, should I put the bucket in darkness for awhile before putting it back under the 18/6 light schedule?
How long until new growth would start to appear ?
Any advice on how to trim the plant before beginning the process?
How long until I work in grow nutes again?
Like I said, I've never revegged before so I have no idea how best to go about it.
Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated
Here are a few pics of her:



I've been doing the same thing you are planning to do recently.
I trimmed the top cola and biggest buds leaving ALL of the leaves. Consider that a plant can stay alive with half of the leaves she has so don't cut any since you'll be cutting all of the leaves around the buds.
revert it back to veg placing it under 24/0 or 20/4 for a week (I used 125Wcfl after 400whps for flowering), give her some N and than, if you wish take it back to 18/6
mine started to show new leaves in 2 or 3 weeks and is still alive, I took her back to 400wMH. You'll be able to go back to 12/12 as you see she's strong enough, I suppose.
What kind of light have you been using so far?


Well-Known Member
Chop off 2/3 off the top of plant. Leave 5 or 6 small buds to start up again. Give them a shot of N. Keep lights on 24/7 for a couple weeks. Make sure not to overwater. It usually takes a couple weeks till new growth starts. Be prepared for some funky looking leaves at first. Good luck