Questions on pruning outdoor plants and cloning


So i was looking into pruning and topping when i wondered if this is useful (as in increase bud yield) when growing plants outdoors? Would be nice if someone with experience on this matter could give me some quick guidelines :)

I'm asking this because i understand it is very useful in a cramped growroom where you want your plants to catch every bit of light they can. But in my case my few plants are outdoors and have quite a bit of space. Would topping them increase the yield i get from them?

So now if i would top them i could use the cuttings as clones and flower them early to determine the sex of my plants, right? Would be useful since they can be either male or female.

And now i don't know if this would be total madness; But would it be possible to take a few clones from a plant and grow those outdoors during the same season?



Well-Known Member
tell you what i never grow a plant any more without topping it. hell sometimes i top it twice :p topping is a decent way to increase some yield. instead of getting one big top cola you can get 4! look into the FIM topping and you could get even more colas. just cut the tops off right above a node is all you do and i ALWAYS use those cuttings for clones. yes if you flower those early you can determine your sexs of your plants just put them under 12 hours or less of light and wait.

if its early enough or just dont care and have extra grow supplies ya you can plant those cuttings and grow them outdoors with the rest they just wont grow as tall.



Well-Known Member
It is useful outdoors. It makes more bud sites which in turn produces more colas. And yes you can take clones right now.


Active Member
The easiest way to clone outdoor weather the plants are 5 feet from your home or 50 miles and you need to transport cuttings to your indoor grow sectiOn is to take a cutting closest to the bottom of the plant as these branches are not only most likely going to not yield you shit anyway it also has the best chance of cloning the genetics from the mother plant, make sure you allow an extra few inches because later when your ready to transplant to your indoor garden your going to need to make a fresh cut then dip into a rooting hormone and then into your grow medium, the best way to transport them is once you take the cutting immediately put the cutting into a bucket with enough water to submerge the stem a few inches this will keep the pla t from wilting on the ride home, they can take a bit of abuse as well my cuttings got sloshed around I had a long walk out to the truck and a long ride home they looked wilted and bruised , got it home made a few small cuts took off another 3in from the stem I had, cut the leaves (big fans) dipped it in root hormone and then a week later I had a healthy rooted clone. My hormone was a $2 powder I got a a local flower shop and it worked like a charm , topping should be done early. If you wait to long it might not recover the way you want before flowering and also the new branches won't have time to harden off and the buds may weigh down the branches causing them to snap... And that's never a good thing... So yes any time you increase the bud sites on a plant you increase the possible yield growing a 8 foot monster with no branches is a waste of time one big cola is not worth your efforts for the ammount of time in an outdoor grow


Active Member
I'm rooting clones from my recently outdoor planted clones. So yes no problem. I love the look of a perfect growing plant but, Like stated above. May as well top it and gain some bud. After all that's what we are all after.


Allright! Thanks for the nice replies :)

I hope it all goes well! Currently trying to clone some other plant as practice for when my own plants are old enough to top / clone


Well-Known Member
In the spring time, you can use this Filipino ingenuity combined with cardboard boxes painted white inside to get your clones started.

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Well-Known Member
Its water mixed with bleach. I almost want to try it now but its going to be getting hotter by the day.


Well-Known Member
Its water mixed with bleach. I almost want to try it now but its going to be getting hotter by the day.
werd! someone needs to test lumens on that, 400 and 600 watt lamps, and the sun and see how they all compare