Questions on heat and humidity


Well-Known Member
I was hoping to do a nice long summer grow. It will be in a safe area, but I'd still like to keep them small and hoping to finish before hunting season so early octoberish. I'm counting on a few weeks of 100+ degrees and year round high humidity.

So I guess I have two questions. What can I expect in general from using this environment? two, Any good strain recommendations?

I would think some tropical sativa would thrive best and be protected from mold and stuff, but they'll need a long time to finish and will be huge enough for a hunter to pick out as peculiar for sure. The second idea I had was using The Church by Greenhouse Seed Co. It is reportedly very tolerant to mold and their videos on youtube show them growing almost like a taller ground cover bush. Hard to find seeds though...atleast when you need them in the US without throwing a fortune down.

All advice, recommendations and similar experiences are appreciated!

Get sproutin for spring everyone!:peace:


Well-Known Member
ya the bad thing about high humidity is that mold could occer easier, mayeb if your looking for a shorter strain you should go with a indica because they are generally bushier and shorter but they can still grow 6 feet outside easy, maybe get some lowryder seeds then they will be done in 10 weeks start to finish and they grow very short but dont have a large yeild.
but just remember its called weed for a reason its a hardy plant it will grow in almost any climate....


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Ya, I thought about low ryder, but I gotta question the ruderalis thing. It would be awesome though because I could make a bad ass little garden producing for a consistent 3 months or so. but thatd be a whole damn lot of seeds and I don't want to go through the process of breeding a few together for my own...not for this season anyhow :)


Well-Known Member
Well I think you're dead on with the 'tropical strain' idea...but you're also right that generally those ones will take a long time. Not a good combination, in your case. Maybe just find the quickest tropical strain that you can...and hope for the best. The only strain that comes to mind is Durban Poison - not quite tropical, but it can definitely take some heat, and is very quick (8-10 week Sativa, if I remember correctly).


Well-Known Member
'preciate it kilik! I'll do a little strain browsin and see if anything else sounds worthwhile. I always love a little variety! I'll get a journal started up eventually but I'm in no rush with this long summer ahead.

Any other suggestions or results from somethin similar out there??