Questions ?ocean forest (fox farm)

There's never a medium of yay or nays to this soil. Everything I see about it for seedlings is "it's too hot, no it's perfect" so I'm here to see if I can work with it. I'm not trying to add nuts until a month later. My name is Chicagosworse because I'm a gamer. Chicagosworse gamer FYI
Newbie here, I've grown 8 seedlings to adulthood so far in FFOF no real problems. I've been told "Just buy it from a store that keeps the soil inside during summer if you don't want extra insects/fungus gnats."

Actually basically just assume fungus gnats are coming with any living soil & buy some Microbe-Lift BMC. 1 tiny drop per gallon - 2gallons of watering :cool:
Drduke, can I just bake the soil and get rid of any insects?
The only insects I've noticed are beneficial ones & fungus gnats. Like I said, 1 drop a week of Microbe-LiftBMC & some yellow sticky traps = gnat problem solved. Regular IPM prevents anything else unwanted introduced to your environment. That's the limit of my knowledge so far bro, only been at it 5 months.
I have been using FFHF and FFOF since the start of my grow with no issues. I started in HF with perlite mixed in in cups and then when I went to 1 gallon fabric pots had a mix of HF OF and perlite. Then up to the 3 gallons with OF. Knock on wood, but I have had no bug issues or any other issues thus far.
I mix mine Happy Frog/OF 60/40.

I think people complaining it's too hot are over watering and feeding too soon. The soil can usually hold you over a few weeks before you need to add any food.
There's never a medium of yay or nays to this soil. Everything I see about it for seedlings is "it's too hot, no it's perfect" so I'm here to see if I can work with it. I'm not trying to add nuts until a month later. My name is Chicagosworse because I'm a gamer. Chicagosworse gamer FYI
Why kinda nuts you plannin on growin? Peanuts, walnuts.... water chestnuts?
Geesh 8 seedlings. That's pretty good, That's how much I killed. I'm wondering what did you feed them when they matured? I have a head injury so it's hard to understand certain things at times. Just like Michael Scott " explain it to me as if I was 12"
Geesh 8 seedlings. That's pretty good, That's how much I killed. I'm wondering what did you feed them when they matured? I have a head injury so it's hard to understand certain things at times. Just like Michael Scott " explain it to me as if I was 12"
General Hydroponics original trio is cheap and works perfectly. You don’t need anything else except cal mag. For cal mag use a brand with the lowest nitrogen. CaliMagic is fine.