Questions for hydroponic growers


So I have been doing some research on growing hydroponic and I have a few questions that need to be filled. I am just looking for experienced growers thoughts on my questions. Just answer what you can and I can note it. Thanks for the help guys!
1) Which setup up would you use? The "fill and drain setup" or the "Drip" setup? I'll be having a few plants and be in a 2ft by 8ft room with 7 foot ceilings. How much to do you water your plants or how long to flood them and how long do for the plants dry for until next watering.

2) What level would you want your PH at? I heard around 5.8 is pretty good.

3) What are your thoughts on nutrients on giving the plants? (Stuff poured into the water that is giving to the plants.) What are the nutrients you are using for all the stages of growth for the plants. What are good cloning nutrients? Have you ever tried the “Humate Supreme?” Here is a link

4) What type of medium are you guys using to grow your plants in? I’ve heard good things about “Hydroton Grow rocks.” Would you use different medium at different parts of the plants life?

5) Do you really want air in the what? And to save on cost of power could you just run the bubbler during watering only. For example one hour before watering you would turn your bubbler on for the plants water. Then you would start the watering of the plants but still have the bubbler on. After the watering is done the bubbler would turn off and then wait until an hour before the next watering and then kick on and continue the process.

6) How often to water your plants? In both the vegetation stage and the flowering stage.

7) What is a good level for your PPM to be at for vegetation stage and flowering stage? Also what effects your PPM?

8) I’m going to be using Fluorescents for the vegetation stage and a 600 watt HPS light for the flowering stage. How close would I want to keep my two types of lamps away from the tops of my plants?

9) Is CO2 really important for the plants? Can I give the plants CO2 some other way then gas, like the bubbly water possibly. You would apply this bubbly water by misting it onto the plants.

10) Last any advice to a new guy going into hydroponic?


Well-Known Member
Wow you just opened it up so everyone can tell you there setup is best. I've had flood and drain worked well. But now it would be to much water for the size room I use now. So I use a flow n gro. Drip systems work good but clog so some people just run a hose without the dripers. Media is another thing that is hard to say what is the best. So basicly look at where you want to grow find out the size and find a system that fits your needs.
As for Co2 it's not realy needed just have freash air running into your room. Tanks are nice but expense is high. But you can use stuff like exhale bags to bump up Co2. That's what I use.
Hope that helps. Sorry I couldn't answer everything but there is no way to say 1 way is better then another. It's all up to you.


Well-Known Member
OK, I will answer your questions VERY easily!

Buy it.. Download, Loan it off someone... Read it.... Become Educated on all aspects of growing.
Cause honestly, your asking questions that you could easily google or use the search function.

Here is the link to "Newbie Central"

^ as stated above... 101 already asked questions!

That should also clue up all your questions!

Good luck grower! The easiest way to overcome an obstacle is preparation and education!! I find that quote very very very true about growing marijuana!