Questions CFL's with dipping leaves


Active Member
I have searched and read a few posts and some PDF's around online. Still didn't find a clear idea and trying to battle the issue with what I wake up to. This is my first grow so any advice would be beneficial.

- GrowLab 60 as my grow room.
- New Wave T5 2', with 2 bulbs. One 3000k and one 6500k

I have two clones I transplanted to plastic containers with some Happy Frog soil. So far I have noticed many new leaves growing from nodes, but not much height growth. I expect this from being me taking so long to transplant the clones to soil.

Since I am a NewB. I decided to water my plants almost daily. Yesterday I realized that maybe the water or the light is having an effect because this morning one or two of the highest leaves on each plant were drooping and somewhat folding. First thought was that maybe the light was to close, yesterday it was as close as 3" from the tallest leaf. This morning it is about 5" from the tallest leaf. I am not to sure what would be causing this besides the light maybe being to close. But the light isn't hot at all. My other option I was thinking that I have been over watering so I stopped watering yesterday and haven't.

I know I need to get more equipment, but I have to buy this in stages and I am really seeing these two plants as test runs before I dip into buying a hydro system for my next try.


Active Member
it is probably over watering. The light should be about 2 inches away. Some of my flouro bulbs can even touch the plant without causing problems.


Active Member
Definitely sounds like overwatering to me. I had the same problems as you when I first started growing. It stunts your plants growth for a bit and turns leaf edges brown and leaves yellowish and they start to curl if it gets bad enough. Cut back on your watering a few days and see what happens. It could be something else, but watering everyday is generally watering too much. You'll be surprised how different your plants look once they've been given a few days to breathe through that water. Of course it could always be something else, but moisture stress is a really common problem for new growers. You'd think water couldn't hurt the plant THAT much, but it really can. Get some pictures up though, kash is right, they're essential for diagnosis.


Active Member
yep its over watered,its better 2 water clones thrugh leave until they get roots,keep the medium damp but dont kill with kindness


Well-Known Member
Since I am a NewB. I decided to water my plants almost daily.
if that's to "play it safe" your wrong, the rule is when in doubt, don't water.
Your soil should dry down nearly bone dry so that oxygen gets drawn down to the roots.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana thrives in dry conditions, or wet conditions and high-drainage dirt.

I water my plants about once a week. That's plenty IMO.