Questions about OUTDOOR growing.


Its currently around 65-75 SOMETIMES 80 Degrees,

I never grew marijuana in or outside and decided to go to this site (which is packed with information) about growing. But mostly everything i come by either doesnt answer my question or has to do with indoor growing.

I know how to start off the seed and everything, but am unsure about,

1.) Is it fine to leave it out over night?
2.) Why does everyone grow inside instead of outside?
3.) Any tips? about growing OUTSIDE,


Active Member
Hi, welcome to RIU

1, yes
2, because its illegal
3, read "the indoor outdoor medical grower's bible by jorge cervantes" (best grow book ever!)


Well-Known Member
Hey man. There is an entire section of the forum devoted to growing outdoors. One of the reasons everone grows indoors is for one, yes, because it is illegal. Second, a lot of people come from cities or areas where growing outside isn't really practical. Another reason is because, in my opinion, growing outdoors is a lot more work. For example, if you grow in the ground outdoors you gotta hunt for a site, dig a hole, fill the hole with dirt, and then move the plants out there. Indoors, you fill a pot with soil and start going. Another reason might be because indoors you can control the environment, while outdoors you are at the mercy of mother nature. And trust me, sometimes she can be a real bitch.
Now if you are talking about growing outdoors in a pot, like on your balcony or something, that is a little different. Generally when I think of outdoor growing I think of growing like out the woods.
But just keep searching the forum, there are a lot of people who grow outdoor. In a lot of places, the threat of frost has just past, so thing should be picking up as people start their outdoor gardens. Hope this helps.