Questions about hermie

Black 1000

Active Member
A Hermie will have balls and hairs correct? Will a hermie pollenate the other males I have in the same room? I just started the flowering (12-12) and it seems like I may have two

Thank you

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The hermie will pollenate any females in the same room. All the ladies will be full of seeds with diminished potency. Kill it before it multiplies. Some people have had successs removing the pollen sacs before they open and pollenate. It is like playing Russian Roulette. Do you feel lucky?


Well-Known Member
Use your hermaphroditic pollen sacks to pollinate some of the smaller buds from your girls. The resulting seeds (if you are lucky enough) will be feminized (all girls) when they sprout. You can apply pollen with a small paintbrush and keep the rest of your buds safe. The only danger here is that if your plant is a hermie because of stress (light interuptions, disease earlier in life, etc...) then the resulting seeds may be either weak or produce more hermaphroditic seeds.