

Well-Known Member
so my nice outdoor sativa girl is either showing some purple genes mixed with cold temperatures and a little lack of water, or i have a slight deficiency. it is most evident now at the top of the plant, the leaves and stems feel harder and stiffer than normal and are pointing down more than usual. they also have a deep purple red on the stems and even going into the lines of the leaf. most of the leafs on the plant are slightly yellow, and not as dark green as they should be. anybody have any ideas of what it could be. all of this is very slight and she is not in bad shape at all, she is also just startin to flower. im just tryin to catch this shit soon if its a deficiency. i might add that she is in the ground, and beside from the good soil that i have added,(about 3-4 gallons) she is in a very claylike soil. any help would be much apreciated


Active Member
hmmm. well all i can say is when i had the same issue, i gave it 2-0-0 guano add. withing a week, she was back in shape, and she is now spitting out Trichs more then evar.


Well-Known Member
hmm, it could be that, ive only really given her organic fish emulsion as nitrogen, i might try adding some jacks classic 20-20-20.


Active Member

that seems kinda powerful.

but then again. im a total noob when it comes to Nutes. lol