
I have some outdoor plants that have been in veg. for 2 1/2 months. I have been checking for flowering daily and spotted my first male yesterday which I removed. After inspecting the male I noticed that one of the pollen sacs had opened. My question is could that pollen still fertilize my other plants even though they haven't started flowering yet? Would rain and sraying with water wash the pollen off? Please help. I have too much time invested to end up with seedy buds.


Well-Known Member
dunno .. do some research ..

but in the future .. when you spot em .. spray em with water (to keep the polen wet wile you remove em) and then carefully cover em in a plastic bag and cut em and remove em right away ..


Well-Known Member
like cindysid said, nope, not unless you see some calyxs. had this happen this year, a male pollinated a few preflowers and i ended up with about 17 seeds out of a 10 grams total, she had to be harvested early due to revegging but im glad i got some seeds off her honestly, i see it as a good thing, doesnt effect potency or anything, just leaves you with some seeds for the next grow.