Question regarding dolomite lime.


Active Member
So i just pH tested the water from my faucet, looking to be about 7-7.5, I had assumed my water was acidic and got dolomite lime to add to my ffof/perilite mix. Will the dolomite lime be completely pointless since my water is at 7.5 or will it still help buffer the soil to keep it at 7.0? Also, should i just go buy distilled water gallons from the local store and use that over my faucet water? Ive got a seed just barely cracked so i need to figure this out fast! ANY help appreciated, thanks!

Ive been trying to find a thread about if u should still use dolomite if the ph of your water is above 7 if it still buffers the soil ph to 7 even if the water ph is above 7, no luck so far.
It probably won't do much to the pH, but it will help stabilize the soil and prevent lockout. Don't waste money on distilled water 7.0 is a bit high but you should be fine.
well i think its closer to 7.5-8 to be honest, i tested it before letting it sit out for 24 hours though, so the chloring or whatever probably hasnt evaporated, dunno if this will affect it or not.
The chlorine compounds in the tap water would have negligible effect on the pH of the tap water. How much dolomite did you add?

So long as it wasn't too much you probably wont have too many problems, but you might consider filtering your water or collecting rainwater. Your tap water is probably some-what hard and has high levels of dissolved minerals in it, such as calcium and magnesium carbonates. Dolomite limestone is also calcium and magnesium carbonate, so you essentially have limestone dissolved in your tap water.

Once you add in nutrients it should cause the pH to drop, and even just adding a little bit of molasses will lower the pH some (.5 to 1 tsp).
.5 to 1 tsp per gallon of water? Also, its unsulfured molasses right? I havent added anything yet, still waiting on the seed to pop, it was cracked slightly last night but the tap root hasnt come all the way out yet. Im thinking its 1 tbsp per gallon of soil for the dolomite lime, which I think i will still do?
Yeah use unsulfured blackstrap. If you're going to use your tap water straight from the faucet, with a pH that high you shouldn't add much more dolomite lime to your soil, if any. Your water already has lime dissolved in it.

Also, if you're germinating seeds it is best to do so right in the medium they'll be growing in. Sounds like you're using Ocean Forest which can be a pretty hot soil, so if I was you I would start my seeds directly into a light soil-less mix like Sunshine Adv. #4, or coco coir with perlite.
I went and bought a 2$ bag of standard no nute potting soil from my local store, its been cooked so theres no bugs, mite eggs etc, just no nutes added, should be fine until i get 1 or 2 sets of leaves then ill transplant in to a 1 gallon pot with 2/3rd ffof and 1/3rd perilite and some dolomite lime.