Question & Problem


My plants have been dying from the bottom up, but not rapidply, on a couple of them the leaves are dying at the tips.

My AC has currently went out, and i have to have somone come in and fix it, (apartment) so i want to start flowring, it is kind of eary. my questions are:

will my plant continue to grow while flowering, or will it devote all of its energy to flowering?

it seems the faster i cut off the dying leaf the faster it attacks the next row of leaves. it hasnt hit the 5 leaves yet(another reason i want to push flowering) but im leaving the dying leaves on there so that whatever is killing it will keep killing those leaves instead of moving up. its probably rot root due to my fuckup earlier with watering.

also ive been watering heavily when its time to water to try and flush out whatever might be killing them, i was hoping it was just PH but... i guess not.

