Question on how to cross strains


Well-Known Member
OK i been wondering how and what does it take to get a crossed strain between auto flowering and non auto flowering. For reference lets take a lowryder male and Neville's Haze female (from green house seeds), now you take the lowryder males pollen and pollinate some of the buds on the Neville's haze female. Would the seeds from the Neville's haze be auto flowering or how does this work?
if you want to cross an af strain with a haze and retain the a.f. traits use a a.f. female with a haze male. and this will take a few generations to stabilize the cross
so that's really all their is to it huh, to use the female of the lowryder with the pollen from a male (strain) that i want to make, then i just have to reproduce it several times over to stabilize the new cross and see if its 100% stable right.
yea you got it. its harder then it sounds. your gonna have to pick the best pheno types of female to use with your best pheno type of male. it could take years!!!!
I've never messed with an AF strain, but I would imagine it would take longer to stabilize than crossing say WW x NL...and are you going to backcross? But lets see some pictures of this process...
yeah you would have to back cross at some point to get more of the auto traits in the strain
I would figure you might get a Female Lowryder to take the pollen from the M Haze, then take 2 seeds get one to Female, one to male. Get those two to pollenate, take one of those seeds and another Female Lowryder, and breed again....then you might see some stability. idk again with AF strains...
itsnot as easy hs that you got to grow has many f2s has you can and pick the best female and the best male out of lets say 50-60 plants. then do a back cross and do it untll you get what your looking for
yeah i know thats the point to have a vast selection of plants and phenos
Well if they are grown in the same conditions don't they usually grow the same? Obviously the ones with different genetics won't but MINE (same strain) will all look pretty similar. I know No Two Plants Are The Same, but similar with same dna.
yeah cuzz chances are someone already stabilized the strain your using. make sense to you?
no two plants of the same strain grown in the same conditions wont always be the same! i have two lowryder #2 now that have grown very different one is short a bushy the other is tall and narrow and the tall one is younger thats the great thimg about cannabis even with a strain thats stbailized theres a chance youll get a great pheno type and create something new!
nice info guys, Thanks for sharing info. Im in the process of trying to start some new strains but this will take a while for sure.
nice info guys, Thanks for sharing info. Im in the process of trying to start some new strains but this will take a while for sure.

You, and anyone else interested in breeding should check out Mendel's pea plants. It's dry, but it will get you started in the right direction.