Question on Harvesting Early


Active Member
I have a single White Widow (first grow) and started flowering 31 days ago. I've been fighting a severe Mg and/or K deficiency for about 3 weeks now and seem to have a losing battle on my hands. Flushing my 3 gal pot with 9 gal of distilled water 2 weeks ago only brought the soil runoff from pH 4.2 to pH 4.6, and I've been foliar feeding with an MgSO4 solution since that does seem to have helped slightly. But there has been no new leaf growth for 2 weeks and the ones that are still alive mostly all have rust-colored spots. For all the big fan leaves this ended up in death eventually and I think I am in a race to keep her alive for another 4-5 weeks until the normal flowering time has elapsed. Attached is a photo of the top of the plant (bad colors due to the HPS light).

My question is this. Would it be best to continue foliar feeding as long as possible with a dilute solution of MgSO4 plus mild bloom nutes, or cut her down now before all of the remaining leaves die? I don't know if the existing buds will suffer as time goes by and it would be best to get at least something now, or if the buds will continue to develop and ripen even down to the last live set of leaves. The plant has strong stems and branches still, but I'm running out of leaves rapidly.

